Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is That You Bob?

I just had to post this cartoon for my blog! It seems that this is a picture of a cat in the frying pan! It reminds me of Sam, our dog, who does not like this one cat, Bob, roaming around in our neighborhood! If Sam could talk or do a few more tasks such as using frying pans then uh oh, we
would be in trouble! We would have to put out a bulletin alert for all cats, bunnies, and squirrels!!


Barb the Evil Genius said...

As a cat lover, I hate seeing a cat like that. However, I could see one of my cats doing that with a frying pan and a tasty mousie!

Lutheran Lucy said...

Exactly! I am a dog lover above cats, but I do like cats. In fact, I just have a hard time whenever I see any animal hurt, in distress, or dead! Of course, people have priority over animals - I am not a wacko environmentalist! :)

Scottius Maximus said...

"Of course, people have priority over animals"

That one hurt, Luce.

Lutheran Lucy said...

Ah honey, I'm sorry! That comment excludes you! Now do you feel better? :)