Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good Friday Reflections

There is no Easter apart from Good Friday. There is no resurrection without
the cross, no rising with Christ except in dying to self that we might live again,
or rather that the risen Christ might live through us.

Leonard T. Wolcott


Barb the Evil Genius said...

Alleluia, Lucy! He is risen! ;)

Genuine Lustre said...

I had the most wonderful good Friday. Akin to Christmas Eve in my book. Wishing you a blessed Easter season. It always feels like such a relief after Lent.

Lutheran Lucy said...

Yes Barb, thanks to God for this wonderful gift!! Blessings!!:)

Lutheran Lucy said...

Hi Polly! I read your Good Friday post about your annual cross walk with your congregation! That is really neat! Our family or congregation has never done anything like that before. It is a wonder who that might have touched and brought conviction to!

It sounds like you had a very eventful Easter too! We only have experiences chasing our dog but never a cow!!:) How was the Easter service in your new church? I bet that was exciting!!

Thanks for the kind words and comment Polly! I always enjoy reading your blog - you are very real and down to earth! I will continue to pray for your family as well as your church!
Thanks again for listing my blog on your blog!!