Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Marriage Is ...

My mom gave us an anniversary card with a beautiful verse on it, and I wanted to share it on my blog.


A commitment. Its success doesn't
depend on feelings, circumstances, or
moods ~ but on two people who are
loyal to each other and the vows they
took on their wedding day ...


Hard work. It means chores, disagreements,
misunderstandings, and times when you
might not like each other very much. When
you work at it together, it can be the greatest
blessing in the world.

A relationship where two people must listen,
compromise, and respect. It's an arrangement
that requires a multitude of decisions to be made
together. Listening, respecting, and compromising
go a long way toward keeping peace and harmony.


A union in which two people learn from their
mistakes, accept each other's faults, and
willingly adjust behaviors that need to be
changed. It's caring enough about each
other to work through disappointing
and hurtful times, and believing in the
love that brought you together in the
first place.

Patience and forgiveness. It's being open
and honest, thoughtful and kind.
Marriage means talking things out,
making necessary changes, and forgiving
each other. It's unconditional love at its
most understanding and vulnerable ~ love
that supports, comforts, and is determined to
triumph over every challenge and adversity.

Marriage is a partnership of two unique
people who bring out the very best in each
other and who know that even though they
are wonderful as individuals ... they are even
better together.

~ Barbara Cage

NOTE: I just want to encourage you that if you are struggling through issues with your spouse to seek the help of Christ. For ones of you who may have not read my intitial posts, my husband and I were divorced several years ago when our family was young. However, with the help of God and His grace, we were remarried to each other a few years after we were divorced. Each day can bring challenges of life but we enjoy each day with each other and love each other more and are so thankful that God brought us back together. It was worth EVERY bit of pain and hard work! I realize that sometimes marriages do not get reconciled, and for that my heart aches. May Christ comfort all those souls and comfort them to know that He still has a purpose and a plan for them! Jeremiah 29:11


laurenallott said...

thank-you Lutheran lucy,
i really needed that encouragement and hope.
we have been struggling for a bit. but your post has brought me into rememberance. thank-you

Lutheran Lucy said...

You are welcome Lauren. I will remember
you and your husband in prayer. Keep me posted how you are doing!!

Lutheran Lucy said...

Lauren, if you would like, I do have another post on our remarriage to each other in the archives (January 22, 2006). I just wanted to share it with you if you are interested. Blessings!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

There is so much that is true in there about marriage. I would also like to share that my parents' own divorce made it harder for me to "understand" the hard work and commitment involved. Thank God that I have a wonderful husband who has been committed to me no matter what, and helped me learn for myself, with my "heart" and not just my "head," about sticking with it no matter what.

Lutheran Lucy said...

I am sorry about your parent's divorce
Barb, but it sounds like God helped you to learn from it for the good. Yes, to have a committed spouse no matter what is such a blessing! :)

Rebecca said...

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT |

This verse reminds me of you, Lucy. You use what you have learned to teach others....

Lutheran Lucy said...

Thanks for your kinds words Rebecca! I try to be encouraging with God's help.
He is the one who deserves all the glory because He is the one who has always helped us through every one of our trials!