Monday, May 01, 2006

Good Ol' SweetTarts

How many of you love that good ol' tart candy called Sweettarts? Besides chocolate, they are my favorite type of candy. I have such fond memories of when I was a little girl and my parents or my brother would come home with a couple of those big fat Sweettarts!! They were the best candy!! I loved those things and unfortunately one can only buy a semi-version of the old ones. They are big, just not as fat or thick! I also love the kind as pictured here that can be bought in a roll or the kind that contain three to a package. And now, they even package the hearts for Valentine's Day and bunnies and chicks for Easter! Spree are good too! I personally have to watch how many I eat though, or I will end up with sores in my mouth!! :)


Barb the Evil Genius said...

I'm just a straight-up chocolate girl. One can only eat so much candy in life, why not choose the best? :) Then again, variety is the spice of life. Argh!

Lutheran Lucy said...

I know I have my chocolate every day!! But, I also sneak a sweettart or two every so often! :) I always try to have my fruits and veggies too!