Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Leave It to Beaver

Good old Leave it To Beaver; it was a great show. Our family really enjoys watching the old reruns. I must say, though I love to dress up, I couldn't hack wearing a dressy dress and heels every day!


Barb the Evil Genius said...

Hey, I wear a dress and heels to scoop the litter box every day! I do! :) You know, Lucy dressed pretty well for a hausfrau too. Too bad standards of dressing have fallen down across the board.

Lutheran Lucy said...

Good for you! :) I do some work in some nice clothes but not dresses or heels. Yes, the standards have fallen way down! It's disgusting!

Des_Moines_Girl said...

My Grandma wore comfortable shoes (low heel shoes), hose and a house coat while doing housework. When she went out, she put the good heels on, removed the housecoat and put on her good "going to town" dress. On an average day, she dressed better than most people do going to the office now (myself included).

Lutheran Lucy said...

Your grandma had a good idea there! We can learn so much from them, can't we?