Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Please Contact Your Senators to Support Federal Marriage Amendment

May 22, 2006

A grassroots effort is under way
to tell U.S. senators that America
wants marriage constitutionally protected.

A coalition of pro-family groups is
looking for volunteers to tell senators
that America overwhelmingly
supports an amendment to the U.S
Constitution to define marriage as
the union of one man and one woman.

The Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) passed
the Senate Judiciary Committee last week on a
10-to-8 party-line vote.

It's expected to be introduced by Senate Majority
Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., on Monday, June 5.
That's when senators must know
what Americans expects. Please contact your U.S. senators
by either e-mail, fax, or phone and let them know you
are for protecting traditional marriage and family.
This link can help you get started:

NOTE: The Senate is expected to vote on this important
issue today, June 7th. Please do not delay in sending
your senators your support of traditional marriage and family.

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