Friday, August 25, 2006

This Is the Day and the Place

There are times when I do wish we lived back in the "simpler days" as in Andy Griffith, but then I realize that there would still be problems we would have to deal with that have already been resolved in this era. God has us in this particular time of events for a specific reason. May we be content with His will for us. This Portals of Prayer devotion for today says it so well.

Devotional Reading for:

Associated Scripture Readings:
Ephesians 2:12–22
Psalm 145

This Is the Day and the Place
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

During my grandma’s lifetime, from 1894 to 1992, she witnessed the advent of electric lighting, central heating, telephones, automobiles, airplanes, indoor plumbing, radio, television, computers, and space exploration. Penicillin and the polio vaccine removed many horrors of disease. What an incredible time to be alive!

We often hear the question “If you could choose any time in history to live, what era would you choose?” In answer, we often romanticize the past, longing for simpler times, yet forgetting the struggles with the elements, dire diseases, poor sanitation, and so forth. Or we romanticize the future, citing our advances as evidence that the human race can and will solve all our ills.

Both answers falsely assume that true peace comes from within ourselves. Because we are corrupted by sin, true peace can only come from outside of us. And it does. It comes from Christ. It is Christ. Christ is our peace. He made peace by His cross. Jesus grants peace and joy for every age, every day, and every place.

Heavenly Father, we praise You for the hope, peace, and joy that are ours each day because of Your great love through Jesus. Help us be content wherever You have placed us. Amen.

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