Sunday, October 22, 2006

Adoption Update

Well, we are getting our last set of fingerprints done this week so it will be nice to get them done. We just heard by the grapevine that the Korean adoptions will be closed in January of 2007. What does that mean for us then? We don't know. We don't know if that means we have to expedite the process, or if we will not get to adopt a Korean boy. We will have to call our social worker and find out the details. It is a little discouraging; however, we know that God knows best and will work it out for everyone's best interest! What else can we do but trust? May His will be done!! If you think about it, please keep us in your prayers. We really need God's guidance, strength, and courage right now. Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

No babies in the USA for you to adopt?

Rick said...

You are in our prayers.

Barb the Evil Genius said...

I will be praying for you, Lucy. And ignore trolls who are too cowardly to leave their name.

Lutheran Lucy said...

Thanks for the suggestion Anonymous, but we want to adopt internationally. There have been too many horror stories with adopting domestically.

Thank you Barb and Quipper for your prayers! Boy, do we appreciate it. Now I just received an e-mail from our social worker, and she didn't say anything about the program closing down in January. Maybe we are okay. Nonetheless we need prayers for the whole process and to get all the financing done. It will work out though somehow and someway.

Rebecca said...

You are in our prayers as well. Be encouraged. Some friends at church just brought home a darling 6 month old child from the Dominican, I think. God has a plan.

Lutheran Lucy said...

Thanks Rebecca! We appreciate it! That's great about your friends!! Yes, He has a very special purpose and plan, and it will work out!! Thanks again! Hey, I am glad to hear that things are better for you and your family!! We will keep praying for you too!! :) Love ya!