Friday, April 06, 2007

There is No Easter Apart from Good Friday

There is no Easter apart from Good Friday. There is no resurrection without the cross, no rising with Christ except in dying to self that we might live again, or rather that the risen Christ might live through us.

Leonard T. Wolcott


Scottius Maximus said...



Anybody home...home...home...home?

If anybody is out there and reading this, it appears this website has been vacated. Im claiming squatters rights. I'll be moving in soon. Look for my next post, right here on Lutheran Lucy! In living color.

Scottius Maximus said...


Howdy folks! It's day 2 of what I like to call "the occupation". So far there has been little resistance. Let there be peace in our day. The "Pax Maximusa", if you will.

Scottius Maximus said...


Howdy, folks. It's day 4 of the occupation. So far I remain undetected. Keep tuning in for more episodes.

Scottius Maximus said...


Hiya, folks. It's me again.

Check out my latest offering at my real blog. Not much to say here on my fake blog.

I fear I'm in danger of being detected. It might be over very soon. But I must resist with all my efforts.

Still, safe, though.