Thursday, May 04, 2006

How many of remember Lucy and Vitameatavegamin? I love this episode! How about you?


Barb the Evil Genius said...

"Join the thousands of happy, peppy people!"

Lutheran Lucy said...

Wildcat, thank you for your comment and kind words! I am anxious to visit your blog. I haven't written any posts about home-schooling but am going to very shortly. It is such a blessing to home-school, isn't it? Barb the evil genius is also a home-schooling mom so I encourage you to visit her blog too! Yes, this is a great episode with Lucy at her finest. Of course, she has many great episodes because she was so talented!!:)

Barb, I remember the phrase,"Do you pop out at parties? Are you unpoopular?" We always get a chuckle out of that one!!:)