Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Simple Confession

This is the confession that we said tonight at church and use it quite a bit at Wednesday night services. Confessing our sins brings healing and newness in Christ.

"I confess that I have sinned against you this day. Some of my sin I know-the thoughts and words and deeds of which I am ashamed-but some is known only to you. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask forgiveness. Deliver and restore me that I may rest in peace."


laurenallott said...

hey lucy
thanks for the message that you left on my blog. I will be posting more there more regularly. Have just been busy with assignments and exams.

There is another article that you may want to look at re: the security strikes that have been happening in Cape Town. The photos are quite intense.

It is on one of my hubby's blogs ;-)

Lutheran Lucy said...

Hi Lauren! I will be sure to check out this site. Are you almost done with assignments and exams? Keep me updated, okay?

laurenallott said...

i will do! thanks so much for all your interest. i am done with my exam. it was only one exam, Xhosa. which i have just learnt to speak in the last 4 months. so it was quite tough.
Assignments, still 5 to go before we leave to go to London for 2 weeks.
will blog this weekend.
How is your homeschooling going?